Thursday, November 20, 2008

Psalm 25

Psalm 25 (NRSV).
4 Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
teach me your paths.
5 Lead me in your truth, and teach me,
for you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all day long.


Here’s my struggle. I am convinced that the fundamental principles of your ways, your paths can be known through a prayerful walk with Jesus and the study of scriptures that finally bear witness to him. Mercy, kindness, justice, love, forgiveness are the trail markers that we follow in our walk with you.

What is harder is to know the individual path that you have for each of us. Have you created an individual trail for each of us to follow and how can we find the signs? I can follow Jesus and learn about mercy and justice and love but I can not read the Bible and know specifically where you would lead me each day. I guess what I would love to have is a kind of personal cosmic spiritual GPS system.

The poet wrote that he waits for you all day long. It seems that in some spiritual way, you are personally the spiritual GPS system in our personal walk with you.

And yet, if that is so, why is that so many who claim to be perfectly tuned in to you walk so many different kinds of trail? And why is it that too many seem too often to be at war with one another, all for the love of Jesus? Why is it that so many who claim to be disciples of Jesus are willing to damage and sometimes destroy others who claim to be disciples of Jesus – all for the love of Jesus? And why are some so willing to disobey the commandment of Jesus that we love one another and that we love even our enemies all the while claiming to serve him?

So Lord, teach me your path. Grant me your truth. Indeed I wait for you. And I dare to even pray for that spiritual GPS system that would lead me along the life trail that you wish me to follow.

Ask God to teach you God’s ways so that you might follow God’s path.
And seek pardon for those times in which, in the passion to be right, you have violated the commandment to love neighbor and enemy.
Name 5 things for which you are grateful and say “thank you” to God.
In Christ’s name,

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